Pradis Caves

The Pradis Caves, an important prehistoric monument in Europe
Pieve d’Asio

The first written documents referring to Clauzetto date back to the 12th century, with the foundation of the Pieve d’Asio, but the origins of the village are certainly older. Between the 14th and 18th centuries, this territory was under the control of the Savorgnan family, who owned the nearby Pinzano Castle. The Pieve di San […]
Church of St James

Located at the most panoramic point of Clauzetto, the Church of San Giacomo, built between the 13th and 14th centuries, can be reached by climbing 98 steps: from here the famous “balcony over Friuli” opens up. There was a time when the fame of this place reached far and wide and drew pilgrims to adore […]
Monte Corona landslide

Walking along the ancient via that connected Clauzetto and Vito d’Asio, part of the Monte Corona landslide that caused great devastation between these two villages for two months in 1914 is still clearly visible. The landslide damaged several buildings and destroyed about thirty hectares of meadows, fields, vegetable gardens, vineyards and orchards. This was the […]
Battle of Pradis, War Memorial and Cemetery

The war cemetery in Val da Ros – the only one in Western Friuli – today is a place of peace and silence, immersed in a solitary valley surrounded by woods, at the foot of Mount Dagn. The bodies of Italian, German and Austro-Hungarian soldiers who fell during the Battle of Pradis, between 5 and […]
Ancient knowledge and traditions

A century ago, in 1921, the population was almost ten times today’s 3,115, while today there are about four hundred residents. They lived off a flourishing agro-sylvo-pastoral economy, which included animal husbandry and forest management. Walnut, beech and maple trees provided timber for the traditional footwear called dalmine and numerous tools. In summer, the animals […]

Until the arrival of water in the home, fountains were a central element in daily life: they were places of aggregation, where people took their livestock to water and fetched water for cooking and washing. In Clauzetto, sixteen fountains have been recovered thanks to the project The rediscovered itineraries in the Carnic Pre-Alps, carried out […]
Traditional villages and “clapadòrie”

After World War II, the trend of emigration and depopulation increased and accelerated with the 1976 earthquake. The tragic event risked wiping out many traces of the past, but careful recovery and restoration work was carried out to restore the local urban identity. Particularly in the villages of Gerchia, Tascans and Zuanes, masonry dwellings with […]
Possible revival

There are many historical, cultural and environmental elements that still make the territory of Clauzetto rich: today they can be re-launched in an innovative way, for a re-launch of the village as a place to live, for its high quality of life, and as a tourist destination to visit. Clauzetto also continues to be a […]
The San Martino trail

To begin this peaceful walk, suitable for everyone, start at the Town Hall car park, cross Via del Sole and follow the signs for the Pieve di San Martino along the wide path. The path winds its way gently up and down through the woods, past the landslide that swept away the road and parts […]