The Way of St Christopher


This route runs along the foothills of Western Friuli, at the foot of the Friulian Dolomites, between the steppe-like environment of the Magredi di Pordenone and the Tagliamento. It is a route without difficulty, practicable all year round, being at low altitude. The saint after whom it is named, Christopher, is often portrayed as a giant hermit in the act of crossing a river, carrying Christ on his shoulders. The image appears on the outside of churches, to be seen from afar by pilgrims. Its cult was very widespread in the Middle Ages.

Depending on the time available, the needs and interests of the walker, the itinerary can be adapted, choosing the stages to be covered or deciding to walk it in its entirety, for about a week. To facilitate the walk, an APP is available, especially useful in areas not covered by a signal.

For more information:

nordic life park

Nordic Life Park

Designed for lovers of Nordic Walking, they are perfect for anyone wishing to discover the area, as they do not present any particular difficulties.

itinerario Anello Croce1 vito d asio
Vito d’Asio

Ring of the Cross

From the Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Vito d’Asio a mule track starts in the direction of Clauzetto, which leads to the ancient Pieve

castelnovo itinerario2 vigna
Castelnovo del Friuli

Orange MTB route

Like the blue one, this route starts from the sports centre in Paludea. It starts immediately along a path, following the Cosa stream and for

castello anello Pinzano itinerario 1
Pinzano al Tagliamento

Ring of Pinzano

Going up via Castello, turn left onto the asphalt road for Costabeorchia, following the white and red CAI 822 signposts downhill, which will lead you,

bivacco dell asta

Asta Bivouac

From the Park Visitor’s Centre, continue along Via Acquedotto and, before the bridge over the Ledron, turn right following the signs for CAI path 967

osservatorio per itinerario2
Pinzano al Tagliamento

At the boat house

From the station of Pinzano, cross the railway line by taking the small foot and cycle bridge. Descend immediately to the left and, crossing a

castelnovo itinerario1
Castelnovo del Friuli

Blue route for MTB

Start out from the sports centre of Paludea, following the arrows that lead you through the village and for a stretch up an asphalt road.

castelnovo itinerario3 praforte
Castelnovo del Friuli

From Almadis to Praforte

From Almadis, follow the mule track made up in part of a stone paving (clapadoria) to the abandoned village of Praforte. You will notice the

Ascent of Monte Pala

Monte Pala

The summit of this mountain, dear to the local people, can be reached on foot, starting from the forest road that leads from Clauzetto to

Visit to the castle ruins
Montereale Valcellina

The remains of the Castle

From the Town Hall, cross the park and the Dominu Tower, following the yellow-blue MV01 signpost that goes round Monte Spia to continue towards Monte Castello and the remains of the medieval manor.