Churches of Castelnovo

Churches of Castelnovo

Among the numerous churches present in the villages of Castelnovo, in Paludea there is the church of San Carlo, first built from a seventeenth-century oratory, then rebuilt in the last century in neo-Romanesque style. It houses several works from the small church of Collemonaco: two wooden altars from the Baroque period, a wooden statue of St. Florian, painted white, a stone sculpture of St. Daniel, which refers to the Pilacorte workshop, and a Madonna by the Zoldo sculptor Valentino Panciera, known as Besarel.
In the locality of Zucco, a term that refers to the rounded shape of the hill, there is the Church of Saints Anna and Valentino, completely rebuilt after the earthquake. An 18th-century altarpiece, unfortunately stolen, was known as the Madona des scudielutis, a reminder of the production of ceramics for domestic use that took place in this area.
In Oltrerugo there is the Oratory of San Liberale and from here you can enjoy a magnificent panorama.

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Archaeological Museum in Palazzo Toffol
Montereale Valcellina

Archaeological Museum in Palazzo Toffol

The area in which Montereale Valcellina stands has been inhabited for at least three thousand years: the oldest evidence of human settlements dates back to the 14th century B.C., the so-called Bronze Age. Some swords that have re-emerged from the gravel of the Cellina date back to this period, perhaps of a votive nature, linked to the cult of the torrent or of a deity linked to water.

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Stretta di Pinzano
Pinzano al Tagliamento

The Stretta di Pinzano

In addition to the undisputed beauty of the landscape, the Stretta di Pinzano combines features of national scientific interest. This is why it is included among the geosites of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

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