Between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, some splendid villas were built in the territory of Montereale Valcellina. The Lords Cigolotti, merchants who came from Trentino to trade in timber, not only had the walls protecting the braida and the Torretta del Dominu built, but also two villas. One is surrounded by a high wall that hides both the building and the beautiful Italian garden, the other, located opposite the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta, has an arched portal depicting the four seasons and opens onto a courtyard where the Cigolotti palace faces.

Montereale Valcellina
Archaeological Museum in Palazzo Toffol
The area in which Montereale Valcellina stands has been inhabited for at least three thousand years: the oldest evidence of human settlements dates back to the 14th century B.C., the so-called Bronze Age. Some swords that have re-emerged from the gravel of the Cellina date back to this period, perhaps of a votive nature, linked to the cult of the torrent or of a deity linked to water.