The burnt house and the Turkish invasions

The burnt house and the Turkish invasions

During the last invasion of Friuli by mercenary troops in the pay of the Ottoman Empire in 1499, the villages of the western foothills as far as Montereale were sacked. There was enormous damage: many houses were burnt down and two thousand people were killed or kidnapped by the Turks to be sold at the slave markets. In Grizzo, near the little church of the Fradese, that is, of the Confraternity, there are the remains of buildings set on fire: the cjasa brusada. Many saved themselves by taking refuge within the walls of the Castle on the Hill.

Among those who were taken away by the Turks, there was also Jacopo da Malnisio, known as the Mamalucco, whose story is told in a manuscript by Jacopo di Porcia and reconstructed by Aldo Colonnello in a publication of the Menocchio cultural club. Jacopo became so good that he was promoted to knight of the sultan, won his trust and accompanied an ambassador to Venice. Here he fell in love with a girl and found his family, leaving the Ottoman troops to fight with the Serenissima.

Scopri le altre meraviglie

Stretta di Pinzano
Pinzano al Tagliamento

The Stretta di Pinzano

In addition to the undisputed beauty of the landscape, the Stretta di Pinzano combines features of national scientific interest. This is why it is included among the geosites of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

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Casera Rupeit piedi sui luoghi
Montereale Valcellina

Feet on the ground

A dense network of well-marked paths extends across the Montereale Valcellina area, including the hamlets and the many places of cultural, historical and natural interest.

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